Osmo Door Oil. The ideal finish for solid timber doors and selected veneered doors
5ml Sample Tester
1 litre
Untreated wood in its original form has a light, pale character from its natural ‘raw’ appearance. Sanded wood also has the same effect. Osmo Door-Oil Raw Matt 3033 is designed to retain this appearance by using a small amount of white pigment to neutralize the permanent ‘wet-look’ that develops after application of a clear finish.
Apply very thinly with a good quality bristle brush, microfibre fleece or lint free cloth.
When applying the Door Oil Raw Matt 3033, brush out any white pigments from the surface before leaving to dry to achieve the desired results. Raw Matt 3033 is not recommended for use on dark timbers such as jarrah and red cedar etc, as the white pigment may give a pink, chalky appearance to the timber.
The wood’s true beauty is accomplished by using Osmo Door-Oil Clear Satin, 3060. The emphasis on the wood’s grain and natural characteristics provides a warm and rich effect to ensure that any interior looks luxurious and elegant.